Sunday, July 1, 2007

Gone Fishin'

"19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19

I leave on the third July, and will be gone for two whole years. Although I imagine that anyone who reads this, probably already knew that, it was needed anyway.
Now, the next point that arises is the question of how to reach me. I brainstormed for a while, did a little research, ate two bowls of Wheaties, and talked to my mom about other possible ideas, then I came up with this: a nearly comprehensive list of ways to reach me. Some are electronic, others are the "old school"-nearly archaic method- pen and paper sort, but both are good and will be very GRATEFULLY recieved. So, here they are:

1) Using "Dear Elder" - Here's the website: - find the "select a mission" (he's at the Brazil MTC for approximatley 62 days - entering on July 4) then follow the directions for writing the letter. The letters will be sent through the church's pouch mail system which is only sent out once a week. This way is FREE. :-)

2) Using "Pouch Mail" - This would be sending your letter to Salt Lake City and they would send it through the pouch system. This way would cost you US Postage fees only. Here's the address:
Elder Adam Harrison Helland
Brazil MTC
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150

3) Mailing directly to the MTC - Here is the address (you'll need this info. if you use "Dear Elder" also)
Elder Adam Harrison Helland
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission
Brazil Missionary Training Center
Rua Padre Antonio D'Angelo 121
Casa Verde
02516-040 Sao Paulo SP

A note from the MTC President about sending packages to the MTC:
"To send anything to your missionary while he or she is in the MTC use a GLOBAL PRIORITY ENVELOPE obtained at any U.S. Post Office. Global Priority Envelopes arrive quickly and safely to Brazil. The flat rate is $11.00. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING BY: FEDEX, DHL, UPS, ETC. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING EXCEPT GLOBAL PRIORITY ENVELOPES!! "

"Do not send any mail to your missionary using the MTC address after he or she has been in Brazil for seven weeks. After your missionary has been in the Brazil MTC for seven weeks, send all mail directly to the mission home of the mission to which your son or daughter has been called. (see address below)"

4) When he gets out of the MTC, here is the address of the mission home:
Elder Adam Harrison Helland
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission
Av. das Americas, 1155, Salas 502/503
Barra de Tijuca
22631-000-Rio de Janeiro-RJ

*This would be the address you would send packages to once he leaves the MTC. We'll keep you posted!

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