Oops, another week I'm behind on putting Adam's letter on! We went a few days without a computer...!
So, this was a good week, felipe was baptized and that was really cool. I played that piano for primary, but i think that i proved to the primary pres that when i told her on the phone that i was bad at the piano, i meant it. It was hard because she had me play on this tiny keyboard, and it was tough without the sustain peddle and weighted keys. So i pretty much just plunked out the right hand as best i could. Here in brasil everyone sings the hymns differently - more slowly than we sing them. We sang ‘master the tempest is raging’ in sacrament meeting and it took FOREVER! The problem is that we don’t have a piano or an organ in our church, so we have to do whatever that leader-lady does. In our new chapel (will be finished in jan.) we will finally get a piano! The new chapel is going to be HUGE! I’m talking three stories! Like a little temple! (we don’t make that comparison to "little temple" anymore because too many members get confused and think that they really are getting a little temple) they are building this same design of chapels all over the mission. This next year, our mission is supposed to have 5 more chapels constructed, or something like that.
I don’t know if i told you already, but i saw three more little monkeys here. That takes the “monkey count” up to 11!
Well, back to regular schedule programming; we have a lot of cool investigators now that we are teaching. The only ones that are progressing though are under that age of 15. our zone teases my comp for “strengthening the primary”, because he baptized 4 children last transfer. Now, it looks like we might have a few more.
Well, things are better with my companion. No, things are better with me. This last week i learned a lot about ME and the things that I can do to solve my problems. After all, i am the only one that i can control. So, i just do that. Worry about myself- and not think about him. I can’t change him, so i am changing me. I really thought a lot about that principle of the atonement, that Christ in a very real way, is the mediator between me and every other person. The key to my being happy, is reconciling myself to HIM, not anyone else. So things are better, i just think about the “great Mediator of all men”, a lot now. And that is always good.
Well, i have to get going, my time on the computer is almost gone. I hope to get your letters some time soon... i have interviews this week, i so will get some letters there.
So, alyce is turning into a little truant, eh!? That sounds like me, not here, and i never missed school like she does. Mom, go ahead and give here the “look” for me. She still has to get good grades so we can go to college together.
Alyce, ditch’n school, oh-yeah! I remember those days...[sigh of nostalgia], just get good grades and have fun, that is the slogan of senior year,
Dad, sorry about ASU, i know that you really loved them (to be read sarcastically)
Sorry about the bad spelling, my word is trying to correct everything into portuguese.
Got to scram _ abração and lots of love
Elder helland
Right, a few captions for the pictures:
Pic 1: felipe´s baptism! felipe is awesome! he is going to be confirmed this Sunday. Also, this week we are going to start teaching some of his younger brothers and sisters too. They are all excited to come to church and see what it is that felipe is doing. His little sister asked if felipe is going to serve a mission. We said that we hope so, but when he turns 19. it was a cool thought: little felipe- my first baptism,- might one day also be a missionary!
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